Puertos del Estado and Enagás start a mobile exhibition to show the benefits of LNG
Puertos del estado and Enagás start a mobile exhibition to show the benefits of LNG
Puertos del estado and Enagás start a mobile exhibition to show the benefits of LNG
Puertos del Estado analyzes how the gas should be supplied to ships
Resolution of State Ports announcing tender for the contracting of “Services for conducting a study and definition of technical, safety and environmental requirements, procedures and equipment for the supply of Natural GasLicuado as fuel in ports.”announcing tender for the contracting of “Services for conducting a study and definition of technical, safety and environmental requirements, procedures and equipment for the supply of LNG as fuel in ports.”
The Musel requires 54 tests in operations to supply gas as fuel to ships
The fleet that uses LNG grows 23%
Link to article from El Economista Transporte, only in Spanish
Innovation and Challenges in small scale and LNG bunkering in South-West Europe and LNG as an alternative fuel for the Transportation Sector
Boosting the use of LNG, CORE LNGas hive project
The company will launch a road show to raise awareness of the benefits of using LNG as a fuel in transport, especially maritime, as part of the CORE LNGas hive project
LNG a fuel for all kind of ships
New innovations in shipping like bunkering toa ferry with an auxiliary LNG engine are coming into existence