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Removing LNG Barriers on EU Gas Market

12 septiembre, 2016 | 2:00 am - 13 septiembre, 2016 | 1:59 am UTC+2

banner_650x99 CEER


Removing LNG Barriers on EU Gas Market

Concil of European Energy Regulators Workshop

Over the past months, CEER has been investigating how LNG could contribute to enhance the security of gas supply in Europe. This work has been undertaken in the framework of the Winter Package which includes the revision of the regulation 994/2010 on security of supply and the Communication on an EU strategy for LNG and storage.

CEER will organise a workshop on 12 September in Athens. The goal of this workshop is as follows: whilst the role of LNG linked to EU gas security of supply has been subject to investigations , the question of the way to maximise benefits from pipeline versus LNG competition have not been yet analysed. With the objective to make LNG accessible for all European users, CEER intends to identify potential barriers to the use of LNG and to the access to LNG terminals in the EU. CEER is also focusing on ensuring that LNG, once injected into the grid, can be delivered where it is needed.


12 septiembre, 2016 | 2:00 am
13 septiembre, 2016 | 1:59 am


Piraeus Municipal Theatre (1st floor foyer) Iroon Politechniou 32
Pireo, Grecia
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