Past Events
LNG 2019
Link to LNG2019
Find out more »III CORE LNGas hive Conference, Algeciras
More info, PPT and pictures Link to agenda Link to register Link to the press release
Find out more »Flame 2019
SHAPE, INNOVATE & CREATE Shaping the gas industry for 25 years. Supporting the evolution of gas in the energy mix of the future. The European meeting place for the global gas & LNG industry
Find out more »Advantages of LNG for mobility
Link to register
Find out more »Madrid LNG Shipping Forum
Find out more »ALT FUELS 2019
Sustainable energies for road and marine transport
Find out more »Public Demonstration of LNG station in Fos-‐Marseille
Public Demonstration of LNG station in Fos-‐Marseille (+ Visit to Fos Works) and Final GAINN4MOS Information Day Link to GAINN4MOS Info Day Marseille and Final Event (Draft Agenda)
Find out more »LNGgc
Find out more »III CEF Workshop Intermodal Platform of Port of Huelva
Draft agenda_2019_Workshop Intermodal Platform More information (only in Spanish)
Find out more »Conferencia anual Shortsea Promotion Center-Spain 2019
More information
Find out more »IV CORE LNGas hive Conference
Link to presentations some in English and some in Spanish Agenda IV Core LNGas hive Conference
Find out more »LNG; A compass for sustainable shipping in Eastern Mediterranean
Save the Date Draft agenda Register here
Find out more »6th international LNG Congress
International LNG Congress organized by BGS Group gather the participants from the leading LNG companies: project shareholders, EPCs, LNG shipping companies, LNG trading houses, equipment manufacturers, service providers and end users.
Find out more »European Sea Ports Conference
A green deal for European Ports, their cities and their citizens
Find out more »Webinar: “Introducing Simlog’s LNG Supply Chain Tool Update and New Features
Webinar (only in Spanish): “Presentación de la actualización y las novedades de la herramienta Simlog de cadenas logísticas para bunkering de GNL”. Programa: Presentación: Fernando Impuesto, director general de Enagás Emprende y Coordinador de CORE LNGas hive y LNGhive2 Antonio Góngora, jefe del área de intermodalidad y logística, Puertos del Estado Carlos Alvarez, socio de Shipping Business Consultant (SBC) y Jose Enrique Murcia, coordinador técnico de CORE LNGas hive y LNGhive2 en Enagás Inscribete aquí El equipo de CORE LNGas hive y LNGhive2…
Find out more »Green Gas Mobility On line, Gasnam
Green Gas Mobility of Gasnam will be on line it will take place on September 22nd, 23rd and 24th in Madrid, at a time when society faces major challenges: on the one hand, guaranteeing the health of citizens and air quality will be key to preserve the health and, also, protecting the planet from climate change. In this context, the use of natural gas, biogas and hydrogen as a fuel in vehicles plays an essential role to achieve the climate…
Find out more »Maritime Air Pollution, Europe
RouteMAP for maritime industry greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution reduction On 1 January 2020, a once-in-a-generation regulatory change took place. In a virtual environment, through nine engaging sessions over three days, this conference will provide the answers you need on the challenges faced in IMO 2020 implementation and compliance and provide stakeholder viewpoints on a routemap to manage future regulations on greenhouse gas emissions and air pollution reduction. Nearly a year on from entry into force, Riviera’s MAP Europe…
Find out more »Webinar: Nuevos combustibles. La carrera ya ha empezado
Link al programa
Find out more »LNG Bunkering Live on line Summit
Driving the Decarbonisation and Sustainability of the Global Shipping Industry
Find out more »Madrid LNG & Shipping Forum 2020
La asistencia es totalmente gratuita y registro a través de www.madridlng.com, donde encontrará el programa y toda la información actualizada.
Find out more »Conferencia anual de Shortsea Shipping
Pacto Verde y COVID: un nuevo escenario de oportunidades para el TMCD La agenda
Find out more »The benefits, challenges and opportunities of LNG in maritime transport in the Mediterranean region
The OME, as Secretariat of the UfM Gas Platform, is organizing a workshop on “The benefits, challenges, and opportunities of LNG in maritime transport in the Mediterranean region”. The aim of the meeting is to discuss the key benefits, barriers and uncertainties, relevant challenges as well as future development perspectives for the use of LNG in maritime transport in the Mediterranean region. The importance of including the Mediterranean Sea into the Sulfur Emission Control Areas will also be discussed. The…
Find out more »European Gas Virtual
Find out more »LNG Webinar week
Mooring Solutions. LNG bunkering vessels. Small-scale LNG. Beginning 20 April, meticulously researched and focused on a key LNG operational area. The webinars are designed to strike the right balance between transmission of key information and interaction with the expert panel assembled. Discussions are focused, cover the advertised subjects, and deliver registrants actionable insights. Registration is free. To guarantee a position on one of the webinar panels, as either a premium partner or sponsored presenter and panellist, please speak with Ian Pow.…
Find out more »7th International LNG Congress, Madrid
The International LNG Congress is the annual closed-door event which is held for the 7th time and gathers the representatives of the whole LNG chain and leaders of the industry. You can meet new solutions providers, LNG projects shareholders, fleet owners and terminals' operators, LNG infrastructure developers, EPCs who attend the Congress to present their case-studies, network and find potential partners.
Find out more »Decarbonizing maritime transport: LNGhive Algeciras
Register here. Agenda More information
Find out more »15th European Gas & LNG Conference (Online)
What does the future bring for the industry? The 15th Annual Platts European Gas and LNG Conference, will bring together the region’s leading gas and LNG producers, suppliers, TSOs, regulators, traders, banks and analysts to explore the challenges, opportunities, and policy developments affecting the gas and LNG markets into 2022 and beyond.
Find out more »21st World LNG Summit
The End-Of-Year Gathering For The Global LNG Industry Returns In Person To Rome The 21st World LNG Summit & Awards will take place in person at the Rome Cavalieri Hotel from 30 November – 3 December 2021, providing a platform to reconnect the entire LNG & gas value chain under one roof and evaluate what’s next for the global LNG business. Under the theme, ‘Redefining LNG for the 2020s in a Decarbonising World’, the 21st World LNG Summit & Awards will…
Find out more »LNG and renewable gases as maritme fuel
Agenda Jornada AP Cartagena (only in Spanish)
Find out more »Closing event, CORE LNGas hive, “Ports as an energy bridge to decarbonise Europe”
Agenda event closing CORE LNGas hive Use the following link to join tomorrow around 12.15: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81557544113?pwd=NDhpKzU1NEdlbUlTNUh2bGpjWk1pQT09 Code: 121209 You Will have the option to connect in Spanish or English. Also through mobile phone: International numbers available: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kwGrSX26a Spain: +34917870058,,81557544113#,,,,*121209# o +34917873431,,81557544113#,,,,*121209# Or: Dialing: Spain: +34 91 787 0058 o +34 917 873 431 o +34 84 368 5025 US: +1 301 715 8592 o +1 312 626 6799 o +1 346 248 7799 o +1 646 558 8656 o +1…
Find out more »European Maritime Day 2022
This year the European Maritime Day (EMD) is taking place on 19 and 20 May 2022 in Ravenna, Italy as a hybrid event for 750 physical participants. The main theme is "Sustainable blue economy for green recovery". CINEA will be present with several activities: A stand where European-funded projects and European Programmes (such as EMFAF, CEF, Horizon Europe, Innovation Fund and LIFE) will be presented Participation of CINEA Director Dirk Beckers in the “EU Ocean Mission” session (19 May, 10:15-11:15)…
Find out more »LNG Shipping & Terminals Conference, Europe
The aim is to discuss and debate the safety, technical, operational and regulatory challenges created by this unprecedented growth and the energy transition. Link to agenda and info.
Find out more »World LNG Summit & Awards
The 22nd World LNG Summit & Awards will bring together global LNG leaders from across the value chain to define the critical role of LNG and gas in both energy security and the ongoing drive for decarbonisation. https://www.worldlngsummit.com/
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