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Entries by Communication
Newsletter 5
13 February, 2018 /0 Comments/in New, Newsletter /by Communication
Bilbao Port: “Oizmendi” completes first pilot LNG bunkering (ship-to-ship loading) operation in the Atlantic and Mediterranean Corridors
11 February, 2018 /0 Comments/in Press releases /by CommunicationBilbao Port: “Oizmendi” completes first pilot LNG bunkering (ship-to-ship loading) operation in the Atlantic and Mediterranean Corridor Link to Press release More info
Oizmendi barge carry out in Bilbao Port the first pilot test loading LNG ship to ship within the Atlantic and Mediterranean Corridor
5 February, 2018 /0 Comments/in New /by CommunicationOizmendi barge carry out in Bilbao Port the first pilot test loading LNG ship to ship within the Atlantic and Mediterranean Corridor. The pilot was done with the leadership of EVE (Ente Vasco de la Energía), and the involvement of Itsas Gas and Remolcadores Ibaizabal, within the project, cofinanced by the European Commission coordinated by […]
Visit of project officer to Spain
30 January, 2018 /0 Comments/in New /by CommunicationJanuary 2018, Core LNGas hive project Officer, carried out a Mid Term Review in Spain. Link to information on the visit of the Project Officer January 2018
LNG proprieties
30 January, 2018 /0 Comments/in Videos-eng, Vídeos-es /by CommunicationLNG becomes fashionable
15 January, 2018 /0 Comments/in New /by CommunicationLink to artícle from Cadena de Suministro, only in Spanish
Port of Barcelona launches the first electrical connection to ship from a LNG engine
15 January, 2018 /0 Comments/in New /by CommunicationLink to article only in Spanish, EcoDiario / El Economista Link to article, only in Spanish, El Estrecho Digital Link to article, only in Spanish, El Llobregat
The Spanish Ministers of Works and Energy assist in Asturias at the beginning of the railway traction tests with LNG, the first in the world in the passenger rail sector
8 January, 2018 /0 Comments/in Notas de prensa, Press releases /by CommunicationLink to press release, only in Spanish
The first electric connection from a natural gas engine to a boat pilot was done successfully in the Port of Barcelona
11 December, 2017 /0 Comments/in Press releases /by CommunicationThe first electric connection from a natural gas engine to a boat pilot was done successfully in the Port of Barcelona Link to press release (only in Spanish)