Presentation of the CORE LNGas hive project for the promotion of liquefied natural gas as a fuel in the transport sector


The Director General for Energy of the European Commission, Dominique Ristori, the Secretary of State for Energy, Alberto Nadal, the president of the State Ports, José Llorca, and the president of Enagás, Antonio Llardén  have participated in the event.

The objective of the CORE LNGas hive is to develop a LNG supply chain that allows the promotion of the use of gas as a transportation fuel, especially maritime transport.

The total investment in the project is 33 million euros, half of which will be financed with European Commission funds.

The project will contribute to the decarbonisation of the European corridors of the Mediterranean and the Atlantic.


Press release

Oilgas – March 2016

Information published by Oilgas on several developments of the CORE LNGas hive project in Spain. Mainly in Cartagena Port; Reganosa; Huelva Port; Barcelona Port and  Sener   2016.03.00_Oilgas_03_2016_artículos_noticias